The HOCATT’s combination of technologies is the most effective, fastest and easiest form of oxygenation and detoxification available making it an extremely valuable and powerful therapeutic tool. It is also the least invasive and most enjoyable health, fitness and beauty therapy.
Below are links to videos from Health care professionals and also the amazing man who is Andre Smith who designed the HOCATT™ discussing the benefits of this remarkable technology. Our wish at Ozean is that everyone discovers the benefits of HOCATT™ and Ozone therapy.
HOCATT does not treat any disease but supports the immune system. It helps your body reach its optimum health levels, be it chronic fatigue, going through Chemotherapy or just want overall health and wellbeing.
Please note, these testimonials are for reference purposes and information only. These are not Ozean Medispa clients but public information on HOCATT technology.
Testimonials from clients and medical professionals - Courtesy of Signature Health on Vimeo
André Smith (founder of HOCATT) - introduction to HOCATT - https://vimeo.com/209118674 & https://vimeo.com/209118739
HOCATT and discussion on CANCER - https://vimeo.com/210680412
HOCATT and how it works - https://vimeo.com/209118739
Why HOCATT - https://vimeo.com/209118215
Dr Minkoff discusses HOCATT and Exercise With Oxygen Therapy - https://vimeo.com/user114295517
Dr Kotsanis talks about using the HOCATT at the Kotsanis Institute - https://vimeo.com/user114295517
Dr Pieter DeWet - Integrative Medical Physician - https://vimeo.com/user114295517
Professor Mawsouf on Osteoarthritis - https://vimeo.com/user114295517
Professor Mawsouf Discusses HOCATT, Ozone and Diabetes Treatment - https://vimeo.com/user114295517
Dr Herman Spies - https://vimeo.com/519855818
Multiple Sclerosis - HOCATT Ozone Testimonial - https://vimeo.com/user114295517
Janet Davis - HOCATT Patient Testimonial - https://vimeo.com/519855584 (chemical sensitivities)
Vickie Talks about how the HOCATT helped her Fibromyalgia - https://vimeo.com/519857069
Mike has stage 4 cancer and uses HOCATT - https://vimeo.com/519858379